Diary of a Dissolving Marriage, As Seen Through Food
/"The heavy food soothed and sedated me. And then, slowly, the marriage itself began to feel sedated."
Read More"The heavy food soothed and sedated me. And then, slowly, the marriage itself began to feel sedated."
Read MoreRushing to make it legal can actually slow down your divorce and make closure harder.
Read MoreWe've all heard about "shark" lawyers circulating failing marriages, but some of the best innovations in cooperative divorce and co-parenting come from divorce professionals.
Read MoreDating coach and blogger Francesca Hogi gives her suggestions for sex after divorce, and when it does and doesn't lead to more.
Read MoreAs "Jane the Virgin" shows, living close to an ex can ease logistical and emotional complications of co-parenting.
Read MoreThe American Academy of Pediatrics has relaxed the "rules" on screen time. Psychologist and parenting expert Stephanie O'Leary offers tips for navigating them in real life.
Read MoreDear Splitopia: I want to mediate, but how do I know if a mediator is any good?
Read MoreThe immediate period of separation can feel like a natural disaster. Prepare a tool kit to stay afloat.
Read MoreThere's a lot to give thanks for, even after a divorce.
Read MoreCBS LA features DivorceHotel and Wendy's decision to "keep the concept and ditch the destination."
Read MoreRemoving a wasps’ nest from the barbecue grill herself, rather than relying on her ex-husband, was a step toward empowerment.
Read MoreSingle mom and recent divorcee Michele Traina vowed that she'd never be sad again on her birthday. How she coped with turning 35.
Read MoreQ&A: Divorce equality is an important right. Attorney Michele Zavos explains the benefits of legal divorce.
Read MoreLooking back on her parents' long-ago divorce, one 60-something woman shares what they did wrong, and right.
Read MoreQ&A: Marissa Nelson, founder of IntimacyMoons, on why you should consider a therapeutic workshop at a luxury resort.
Read MoreExtreme Weight Loss co-hosts Heidi and Chris Powell take to social media to talk about sharing parenting duties with Heidi's ex.
Read More"When major disagreements arise, I ask the parties to take turns sitting in the chairs of each child and responding as if they were that child." Lawyer and mediator Don Greenstein on creative ways to help couples agree.
Read More"I set out on a personal project to figure out who I was, sexually, and what kind of intimate dynamic I wanted." One writer shares what she learned in and out of the bedroom.
Read MoreSetting and keeping limits can be extra hard when you're the only adult in the house. Psychologist Stephanie O'Leary gives easy success strategies.
Read MoreMany self-improvement goals actually involve a rather small time commitment in any given day. How to harness an empowering habit.
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